Ideal pricing for every company size
750+ agencies
Our plans

Free consulting
Our helloHQ professionals will be happy to advise you without obligation in a free consultation.
Leading agencies and thousands of users trust helloHQ
Over 750 agencies work daily with helloHQ and love it.
Choose your ideal onboarding
A successful start is crucial for the success of your projects and the efficiency of your workflows.
Our onboarding packages are specially designed to make this start as easy and effective as possible. From initial data migration to comprehensive team training, we've thought of everything to help you get the most out of helloHQ quickly.
Whether you need a short introductory training course via screen share or a full-day expert workshop - we have the right agency training courses for you.
We conduct an individual workshop, the Timebox, with you. At the end, helloHQ is fully ready for use - so no time is wasted in your day-to-day life "fumbling around".
You benefit from our experience of 700+ implementation projects. When established processes are already quite extensive, an external view is often invaluable.
S package
In a maximum of 8 hours, we will guide you through the basic steps of setting up helloHQ. This package is perfect for small teams who want to get started quickly without having to forego essential insights and support.
M package
After an initial configuration, questions about helloHQ often arise that can be clarified in a second session. This onboarding package is particularly suitable for smaller companies that want to adopt existing processes.
L package
As part of the initial onboarding, our specialists provide support with configuration or migration. This includes a review, the answering of questions and a basic training.
XL package
In addition to the services from the size M package, we provide particularly intensive support for data migrations and train individual user groups according to their individual needs.
XXL package
For projects that go beyond the standard packages, we offer individually tailored consulting. Together, we analyze your needs and develop a tailored onboarding plan that is precisely tailored to your company.